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Humberto–The Little Hurricane That Could

I’m back home, safe and sound, and fortunately without any damage to my
house this time around, other than a few limbs in the yard and the groceries
that I had to toss from  my fridge/freezer so that they wouldn’t turn into a
toxic biohazard like they did during Hurricane Rita..;) (That was a rough lesson learned <g>).  And, our new roof (courtesy of Hurricane
Rita) survived Humberto without losing any shingles!  Now all we have to do is
to stake the crepe myrtle trees back into upright positions..LOL

It’s good to be back in the land of electricity, air conditioning, Internet
connections, and warm meals.

I’ve been reading that Humberto was a first for the US — never before (since these things were tracked, anyway) has a tropical storm gathered strength and made landfall as a hurricane within hours of becoming a hurricane. 

When I went to bed Wednesday night, I knew we were expecting a tropical storm, which usually means lots of rain.  Had Eric not called me at 1:30 AM Thursday morning to tell me that the storm had been upgraded to a Category 1 hurricane (he works at a petrochemical plant where they have to track these things) , I would have awoken at 3 AM to 70 MPH winds and wonder what in the world was happening (Humberto made landfall around 2 AM about 40 miles south of where I live). 

Unfortunately, because of the speed of this storm, many were caught unawares.  Instead, I was outside around 2 AM, dragging the planters and patio furniture inside so that they wouldn’t become projectiles.  The howling winds and sheets of rain started at around 3 AM when the eye landed in Orange County, and didn’t dissipate until about 6:30 AM.  We lost power around 4:45 AM, which wasn’t restored until Saturday.

My Online Biz Manager Janet now refers to me as The Hurricane Queen, since we’ve had 2 since 2005.  Can I renounce my throne and give back my crown?? LOL

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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