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Facebook Marketing: 7 Must-Have Components of an Effective Facebook Page

Facebook Marketing: 7 Must-Have Components of an Effective Facebook PageI’ve been slow to develop my own Facebook page.  Why?  Because I’ve been trying to determine how to use it, if I really need it, and what it should contain.  I’ve bought countless scripts that let me “like-gate” my page (have a reveal tab that displays only when someone “likes” the page), create a web site on the page using a WordPress plugin or theme, and any number of others on which I regret spending money.

Some businesses are using Facebook pages in lieu of web sites, but the ones doing this most effectively are the media and local businesses, like restaurants, with a physical location. One local television station sponsors “Facebook Fridays” in which they pose a question and will feature the best responses on the 5 PM newscast. So, those in search of their 5 seconds of fame are eagerly participating, hoping that their response will be mentioned on the live broadcast.

After attending many classes about social media and Facebook sifting through the massive amount of information that exists about what comprises an effective Facebook page, I’ve finally determined what seems to be most effective for a Facebook page, and it doesn’t include spending hundreds of dollars for a custom design.

Here are my 7 components for an effective Facebook business page that won’t break the bank:

1.  Page name reflective of brand or service.  Once you acquire 25 fans, you can choose the name of your Facebook page.  If you’re having difficulty getting your 25 fans, simply visit and pay $5 to one of the many vendors who will get you the fans that you need to claim your name. (I’ve used this person with great success.)  Choose your page name carefully, as once you’ve chosen it, there’s no way to change it.  So, you’ll want to make sure that it is something easily recognizable by your target market.  If you own a service business, you might want to choose either your given name or your business name or something that reflects your brand.

3.  Unique profile image.  With a business page, you have the opportunity to create a unique profile image. I suggest you have one created that is 180 pixels wide and 530 pixels in height.  You may want to include your logo, headshot, tagline, or short listing of benefits your provide, along with your web site URL in this image.

2.  Custom icons in photo gallery.  Each fan page has a series of photos that rotates at the top of each page.  You can control the images displayed by creating custom ones that reflect your products or services. Then, going one by one in the photo gallery, you can delete the ones that you do not want to appear in the photo rotation.

4.  Custom landing tab.  The default landing tab for visitors is the wall of your Facebook page.  However, as in almost all marketing strategies, the primary emphasis of your Facebook page should be to grow your list, not your fan base.  Yes, I realize that seems a bit silly, given that a business page exists to create a fan base, but I guarantee you that an email list will better serve you in the long run than a fan page if you’re a service business owner.  So, create a custom landing tab that invites visitors to opt into your list.  Of course, you’ll have to offer them a client attraction device (ethical bribe) to get them to do so.

5.  Rewards for fans.  Even though your primary goal on a business page is to grow your list, that doesn’t mean you can’t reward those who do “like” your page.  Give them a special downloadable gift or coupons as a reward for liking your page.

6.  Engagement strategy.  Once you have fans, you need to determine a strategy for keeping them engaged.  Perhaps you could offer a special “fans only” teleclass once a month.  Or, offer them the opportunity to brag about their business, ezine, or blog on your page.  If you hold a teleseminar, ask the participants to go your page and introduce themselves. Offer speed coaching/consulting at a particular time on your page.  Give your fans a reason to return.

7.  No forced “likes.”  Contrary to current advice, I’m going to encourage you not to “like gate” your page, or force visitors to “like” it before you show them the cool reward behind the curtain.  Rather, make it easy for visitors to opt into your email list by making that your main goal and using that opportunity on your custom tab you create for your page.  Sure, you can reward those who do “like” your page, but ensure that they have joined your list first.

You can spend lots of time and money on the newest and coolest Facebook business page strategies, or just put together a fairly simple page that contains the pieces mentioned above that will work effectively for you. Don’t let your Facebook page dominate your marketing, but integrate it into your already existing strategy.



You can, as long as you include this blurb with it: Introvert Marketing Coach Donna Gunter helps professional service businesses stop the client chase and create online businesses that drive clients to them. Want to learn specific Internet marketing strategies that get results for introverts? Discover how to increase your online visibility in this free ecourse, Introvert Marketing Toolkit: 9 Strategies to Make a BOLD Impression Online, at ==>

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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