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Category Archives for Ezines

5 Best Strategies to Develop a Responsive Email List

I see the well-known Internet marketing gurus do this all the time — they begin to try and sell to me when I first opt into their list, thinking that’s the best way to develop a responsive

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5 Biggest Mistakes Chiropractors Make with Their Patient Newsletters

If you have been in business for awhile, you’ve probably heard the saying, “The money is in the list.” If the value of an email list is gold, publishing an email newsletter would have to fall into

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5 Secrets to Moving the Free Line With Your Client-Capturing Device

Once upon a time, in the dark ages of Internet marketing (only about 12 years ago in Internet years), all an online business owner had to do was stick an email opt-in form on her site and request visitors

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Unsubscribing from email lists

I just recently went through a big email purge, taking myself off of many lists that aren't really helping me with anything or those that I simply have no time to read.  I'm discovering

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Ezine Marketing: How to Triple Your Ezine Opt-ins With a Squeeze Page

For years I’ve resisted the urge to create a squeeze page for my email newsletter.  A squeeze page is a one-page site, or a landing page on a site, that has one call to action:  convince the visitor

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