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Category Archives for Business Automation

My Newest Toy

Those of you who have been following me for awhile know how much I love new technology tools, especially those tools that make your life easier. For the last two weeks I have been playing around on my

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I never got the hang of creating forms on web pages in HTML. Something would always hang up in the form I created, rendering it useless to me.  I’ve tried many online form creators, both paid and free,

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Word Count Tool

So often when I fill out forms, the form limits the amount of words I can submit. Sometimes it’s a 50-word bio or a 25-word classified and I don’t want to open up Microsoft Word to do a word

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Automate Your Marketing: 5 Most Effective Automated Marketing Tasks for More Clients and Greater Sales

Having to market your business, whether online or offline, is the bane of existence for most business owners. Too many times you get pulled in multiple directions, trying this and trying that, with no

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CuteRank I’ve been searching a long time for a reasonably priced software or service that could tell me how my web sites rank on certain keywords across the major search engines. Most of what I

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