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Category Archives for Blogs

Top 5 Favorite WordPress Themes for Service Business Owners

The blogging platform, WordPress, has proven itself to be a robust host for an online content management system (CMS), especially with the development of new WordPress themes and plugins.  I was skeptical

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Your 15-Step WordPress Installation Checklist

As I work more and more with WordPress, I began to see the need for an installation checklist, or all of those tasks that need to be completed for a new WordPress installation.  Part of my rationale

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7 Best Social Networking Plugins for WordPress

As I get more and more familiar with WordPress, I become completely overwhelmed by all of the options out there that will enhance this program’s functionality — there are thousands of WordPress

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7 No-Fail Strategies to Increase Traffic to Your WordPress Blog

Now that I’ve become a devout WordPress fan after years of being a naysayer, I’m trying to quickly get up-to-speed about strategies and tactics I can use the make my WordPress blogs work hard for

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13 Essential WordPress Plug-ins for Every WordPress Installation

I’m just now jumping on the WordPress bandwagon and am starting to convert many of my sites to WordPress.  Now that I’ve decided to use this platform, I needed to determine which plug-ins

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