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Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Now that the new ebook is out, I was
thinking that I needed to get out and promote it by conducting some
teleclasses. Well, my intentions have been realized.  On Wednesday
I was interviewed by Heidi Richards of the
Women’s ECommerce Association, and
I’ve got the following teleclasses scheduled:

The Ultimate Backup Plan: What to Do When Your
Plan Fails!

Guest Expert: Michelle Ulrich, founder of The Virtual Nation will lead a
virtual round table discussion with various ‘Back up’ experts including Donna
Gunter of the Online Business Coaching Company
Date & Time: Tuesday, April 17, 2007, 10:00 am PST – 11:00 am Pacific
Who Should Attend? Anyone concerned with proper back up procedures, protecting
your data, or just in need of a vacation!
Registration: This is a Complimentary Teleclass.  Register

Book Marketing 101

•    How to prepare for eCommerce with a great web site
•    What is required for your media kit;  leveraging technology
•    What collateral materials every author must have
•    To be prepared for any type of interview or question

Featuring:  Donna Gunter, Online
Business Coaching Company, and Kathleen Meyer,
Date and Time:  Tuesday, April 17, 11 AM Eastern (90 minutes)
Fee:  $49
Registration:  Register here

3.  Tame the Publishing Process–Can Do
Training for Virtual Assistants

Are you a virtual assistant who would
like to increase your expertise by taking on clients interested
in writing a book?

Are you an author or aspiring author with a
virtual assistant
who you would like to have specific training to help
you create, publish and promote your book?

This training tailored for experienced Virtual Assistants wanting to become
Author’s Assistants. This training will prepare them with practical skills,
knowledge, and resources they will need to assist and guide authors in all
stages of the publishing journey.

I’ll be teaching
the 3rd session of this program.

Date and Time:  The April session is
full, but spots are available for the
and September sessions.
Fee:  $349

Stay tuned –
there are more events on the horizon!

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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