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10 Tips for Marketing Your Business with Facebook Advertising

Your company needs more customers, so you are examining marketing options. Advertising on Facebook is one option that you do not want to overlook. Facebook advertising is extraordinary in offering the ability to select a particular target audience, monitor the effectiveness of your ads, and modify the ads to adjust to responses.

To get maximum results from Facebook advertising, follow these 10 tips for getting the best results:

Tip #1 Begin With a Clear Goal. Two of the most common goals would be to generate sales directly from the ad or to increase awareness of your business while building a contact list for future marketing efforts. Everything about your ad should be constructed with your primary goal in mind.

Tip #2 Choose the Geographic Area. Does your business only serve your local area?  Do you sell products that can easily be shipped anywhere in the world?  For either of these cases or anything in between, you can tailor the regions where your ads will appear to match your needs

Tip #3 Customize Your Ad for The Demographic You Wish to Reach. Because of the information Facebook collects about its users, you can define the advertisement’s target market based on age, gender, location, interests, or several other criteria. Combining those criteria allows you to be specific when you construct your ad for that target. I use a cool tool called Audience Analyzer to help me discover more info about my demographics.

Tip #4 Direct Your Ad to Existing Contacts. Upload a customer or contact email list. Any of the people on that list that are also Facebook members will receive your ad as a custom audience.

Tip #5 Set Your Budget. You can choose to run ads continuously or for a particular period, and you can select how much you are willing to pay. Budgets are set as a maximum daily expenditure or total expenditure over the duration of the campaign. I typically recommend starting with a $5/day budget.

Tip #6 Use Images. Images receive far more interest and generate higher response rates than text-only ads, and video ads seem to do best. Consider creating multiple ads with different images or videos to examine their relative effectiveness.

Tip #7 Use Facebook Ad Manager. Ads Manager accumulates metrics on responses to your ads and presents them in comparison to goals established when the campaign was initiated. Using the information available, you can alter the campaign, changing the budget or target market or even completely re-creating the ad. A big plus – Facebook Ad Manager is available as an iPhone app and Android app.

However, if you want to get serious with Facebook advertising, use their Power Editor rather than Ads Manager.

Tip #8 Use Conversion Tracking. With Conversion Tracking, you place JavaScript code (your Facebook Pixel)  on your website that tracks visitors’ actions. That JavaScript sends info to Facebook, where it is compared with their record of prospects that looked at or clicked on your ad. Among other things, you can determine how many people viewed your website or made a purchase after seeing your Facebook ad. I use Facebook Pixel Helper extension on Chrome to help me determine whether or not I have installed my FB Pixel correctly on a page.

Tip #9 Boost Your Posts. Boosting a post is a different type of advertising. Boosting a post causes it to appear higher in the News Feed of the ad recipients, thus raising the likelihood that it will be seen. You can have any post boosted, increasing its exposure.  I don’t normally recommend this as a form of Facebook advertising, as I think it brings the least ROI for you.

Tip #10 Always Include a Call to Action. Salespeople know the axiom, “Always ask for the sale.”  Professional salespeople do not present information to prospects and hope they will choose to buy. They offer the information and ask the prospect to act – to make the purchase. You need to do that in every ad you create. Depending upon your desired response, include buttons or links asking the reader to respond. “Click Here to Buy,” “Like This Page,” or “Download Now” for example.

Follow these tips in creating Facebook ads and expect a transformation of public response to your advertising.

About the Author Donna Gunter

Best-selling author Donna Gunter works with successful business owners who are experts in their fields and established in their industry and are seeking a way to stand out from their competitors. Using her Ideal Clients on Autopilot System©, she helps them determine the exact strategies to generate more qualified leads and better-paying clients with automated systems. This proven system makes all their marketing easier and more effective and they find themselves positioned as the only choice for their clients.

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